2014. augusztus 30., szombat

Saturday- easy day

Shoulder press 3x1reps, 55kg
Split jerk 2reps, 110kg
Deadlift 12reps, 170kg

1. 15 wall Ball shot
2. 50 double under
3. 8 strict HSPU
4. 15 double KB swing, 2x24kg
5. 10 strict T2B

2014. augusztus 29., péntek

Friday- train hard and go home

I write description in the next week! :D

Emotm 8'
2 power snatch, 80kg

Strict dip 3x10, +10kg
Strict pull-up 3x10, +10kg

Amrap 12'
40 double under
2 muscle up
4 power clean, 85kg
8 STOH, 85kg

Emotm 8'
Even: 30sec AD
ODD: 10 OHS, 50kg